Your skin can drive you crazy with breakouts, wrinkles, freckles and all the lovely rashes we all get at sometime but ever wondered about some of the weird and wonderful facts about your skin?
·Your skin makes up 15% of your body weight and covers an area of 2 square metres!
There are an incredible 19 million skin cells in every inch of your body!
The sun accounts for an incredible 90% of the reason for premature ageing (so remember to slap the sun screen on people!!!).
It is estimated that 85% of teenagers suffer from acne so if you are suffering you are most definitely not alone! For the record I was an acne sufferer so I know how it feels.
For those of us like me that are not blessed with wonderful clear skin one study actually found that having skin problems as a teenager resulted in increases in grades and was strongly related to getting at least a bachelors degree and higher earnings for women. If you were amazed as I was reading that the full link to the study is below!
Stop touching your face! Studies have shown people touch their faces up to 16 times an hour! Not only does it spread bacteria and potentially cause bacteria but it can also contribute to scarring and wrinkles in addition to spreading viruses and flu. So, keep your hands clean and try to keep your mitts off your face!
Whatever type of skin you have been blessed (or cursed!) with I hope these weird and wonderful skin related facts at least make you look at your reflection with a new curiosity!
Stay beautiful!
CocoBabbit xoxo
Interested to know more?
Do Pimples Pay? Acne, Human Capital, and the Labor Market Hugo M. Mialon and Erik T. Nesson
You Probably Touch Your Face 16 Times an Hour: Here’s How to Stop https://www.healthline.com/health-news/how-to-not-touch-your-face#We-touch-our-faces-all-the-time